Terratinta Group

Brands video

Brands video

Terratinta Group

Creative direction & copywriting
Video Production


After 10 years of strong growth, Terratinta, a historic brand of Made in Italy ceramics, reorganized into Terratinta Group, welcoming under itself the group’s three brands: Terratinta Ceramiche, Ceramica Magica and Sartoria Design.

VENTISETTE Digital took care of the brand narrative of the group’s brands through the creation of three videos, to tell the vision and values that characterize and distinguish the brands. The agency oversaw the entire process: creative direction, copywriting and video production.

Terratinta Ceramiche


If you are asked to explain what Nordic style is, you can try to describe it with words and yet not being able to grasp it.

You can outline it by talking about essential lines, functional shapes and natural elements. But these are just consequences, representations.

Nordic design is first and foremost an idea, a philosophy…

To reinterpret this philosophy in the ceramic sector by innovating the concept itself. That’s why Terratinta was born.

A completely new point of view that allowed us to generate concepts which simply did not exist before.

We cleared the field off all the superstructures, the patterns of the past and created a warm minimalism, which has become the very essence of our work.

A concept as simple and essential, as elusive and innovative. In a nutshell? Terratinta Ceramiche.

Sartoria Design

We believe in a world where space fits people

Perfection in simplicity comes from a long and deep research made of discussions, attempts, mistakes.

To achieve this goal we must leave the old schemes. We picked up the same elements that were before our eyes until yesterday and we reinterpreted them, according to a new idea of space.

We took a step towards every latitude of the world to invent an essential and shared originality. We chose the colors of nature, cities and emotions.

This is how Sartoria was born: a project dedicated to small size, for those who love creative expressions in every detail.

The concrete charm of a handmade product, the beauty of imperfection. A concept that brings together tradition with innovation to redefine the art of decorating spaces.

We believe in a world where space fits with people

Ceramica Magica

Italian Roots

It is a fil rouge that draws and connects the outline of a car, the lines of a dress, the shape of a lamp, the aroma of a good coffee, the scent of an excellent wine.

An invisible thread that connects stories of people, families, companies, entire cities. It is Made in Italy.

A set of intangible ingredients such as know-how, planning, belonging to a territory, reputation.

Ceramica Magica feeds this incorporeal feel since the Eighties, exporting its products of excellence all over the world. Marble, wood, stone, cement… countless styles and products, recognized and recognizable by two words: style and professionalism.

…since 1983, Ceramica Magica: Italian roots.